Symbiosis School of Banking and Finance: An Avenue for Quality Education

Commonly, management and fintech are one of the most sought-after fields in this country. One of the biggest names in this field is the Symbiosis School of Banking and Finance. This is quite a tall claim to make and, therefore, this post tries to highlight the top academic opportunities available for students here.


The degree being provided here is an MBA in Banking and Finance. This is a 4-year long course divided into 4 semesters, for 100 credits. 

  • The Symbiosis School of Banking and Finance adopts innovative teaching-learning methods that include case studies, seminars, group discussions, presentations, and analytical sessions along with regular lectures.

  • There is a significantly huge digital catalogue of reading and reference materials, which students can access to improve their overall knowledge.

  • One of the most renowned data and analytics platforms are the Bloomberg and Capital Line terminals, which provide both practical and theoretical knowledge regarding the finance field.

  • Students are also encouraged to take certificate courses like Securities and Commodities, Securities Analysis, Portfolio Management, Mergers and Acquisitions.

Basically, the main objective of this course is to ensure that students acquire all the requisite skills and knowledge to function better in the Finance as well as BAnking and Insurance Sectors.


Students of SSBF Pune can also opt for an Executive Diploma in Fintech, which is a 12-month part-time course. It mainly deals with the basic understanding of financial technology for the students. It deals with several sub-disciplines including: -

  1. Governance 

  2. Artificial Intelligence

  3. Analytics

  4. Financial Optimization

These are important for the students to understand the fintech-driven approaches as well as the dynamic financial environments so that they are able to easily adapt and assimilate into the fintech sector in no time. Students can pursue this in the online as well as offline modes.

All in all, if we look at SSBF Pune, students can be assured of some of the most effective curriculums in the field of banking and finance. Whether it’s a part-time or full-time course, one thing is for certain.; students will be prepared to become a fully-functional professional in Fintech.


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